Saturday, February 25, 2012

query based on a field in the same row

I have two tables ItemsPinax , ItemPerson. The first table has these fields
UNCTION with values:
A0_01 1,37
A0_02 1,4
I need to calculate the value of ItemPinax_FUNCTION taking the value of
ItemPersonPersonal from table ItemPerson who has these fields
ItemPersonAFM ItemPersonCode ItemPersonPersonal
041 A0_01 10
041 A0_02 12
the answer must be for the first row (18-10)*1,37
for the second row (18-12)*1,4
I use this code
SELECT @.sql = 'SELECT ItemPinax_CODE,ItemPinax_AMM,ItemPersonP
ItemPinax_FUNCTION,'+ ItemPinax_FUNCTION + ' FROM ItemsPinax inner join
ItemPerson on ItemPinax_CODE=ItemPersonCode where ItemPersonAFM=''041''
FROM ItemsPinax inner join ItemPerson on ItemPinax_CODE=ItemPersonCode where
and I get 1,37 and 1,4. How can I have the right answers? ddl
"Helen" wrote:

> I have two tables ItemsPinax , ItemPerson. The first table has these fiel
> ItemPinax_CODE,ItemPinax_AMM,ItemPinax_F
UNCTION with values:
> A0_01 1,37
> (18-ItemPersonPersonal)*ItemPinax_AMM
> A0_02 1,4
> (18-ItemPersonPersonal)*ItemPinax_AMM
> I need to calculate the value of ItemPinax_FUNCTION taking the value of
> ItemPersonPersonal from table ItemPerson who has these fields
> ItemPersonAFM ItemPersonCode ItemPersonPersonal
> 041 A0_01 10
> 041 A0_02 12
> the answer must be for the first row (18-10)*1,37
> for the second row (18-12)*1,4
> I use this code
> DECLARE @.sql VARCHAR(655)
> SELECT @.sql = 'SELECT ItemPinax_CODE,ItemPinax_AMM,ItemPersonP
> ItemPinax_FUNCTION,'+ ItemPinax_FUNCTION + ' FROM ItemsPinax inner join
> ItemPerson on ItemPinax_CODE=ItemPersonCode where ItemPersonAFM=''041''
> FROM ItemsPinax inner join ItemPerson on ItemPinax_CODE=ItemPersonCode whe
> ItemPersonAFM='041'
> EXEC(@.sql)
> and I get 1,37 and 1,4. How can I have the right answers?|||sorry, I don't understand. What to do?
"R.D" wrote:
> ddl
> "Helen" wrote:

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