Friday, March 30, 2012

Query Help

I have two tables: Trans & History. For each record in Trans, there can be
many in History. I want to return records in the Trans table that have a
certain status in the History table but not other statuses. Here's an
select transactions.transaction_id,
from transactions
inner join statusHistory SH1 on
transactions.transaction_id = SH1.transaction_id
where eMonth = '10' and eYear = '2005' and
SH1.status in ('Rec', 'R1Rec') and
SH1.status not in ('Coll', 'RTR')
The returned records contain both the status of 'Rec' and 'Coll/'RTR' but I
want to filter out those that contain either 'Coll' or 'RTR'On Wed, 23 Nov 2005 10:36:02 -0800, Eric wrote:

>I have two tables: Trans & History. For each record in Trans, there can b
>many in History. I want to return records in the Trans table that have a
>certain status in the History table but not other statuses. Here's an
>select transactions.transaction_id,
> name
>from transactions
>inner join statusHistory SH1 on
> transactions.transaction_id = SH1.transaction_id
>where eMonth = '10' and eYear = '2005' and
> SH1.status in ('Rec', 'R1Rec') and
> SH1.status not in ('Coll', 'RTR')
>The returned records contain both the status of 'Rec' and 'Coll/'RTR' but I
>want to filter out those that contain either 'Coll' or 'RTR'
Hi Eric,
Since you didn't post your table structure (CREATE TABLE statements),
sample data (INSERT statements) and required output, I'll have to do
some wild guess about which of your unprefixed columns belog to which
table. You'll probably have to make some changes. But here's a general
SELECT T.transaction_id,
FROM transactions AS T
WHERE T.eMonth = '10'
AND T.eYear = '2005'
FROM statusHistory AS SH1
WHERE SH1.transaction_id = T.transaction_id
AND SH1.status IN ('Rec', 'R1Rec'))
FROM statusHistory AS SH2
WHERE SH2.transaction_id = T.transaction_id
AND SH2.status IN ('Col1', 'RTR'))
BTW, why store a date in seperate columns eMonth and eYear? Isn't that
what the datetime datatype is for?
Best, Hugo
(Remove _NO_ and _SPAM_ to get my e-mail address)|||Hi There,
Use LEFT JOIN instead of Join
With Warm regards
Jatinder Singh

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